Two Days of Freedom Left


So, my fellow WriMo’ers, how goes the story prep. Mine is nonexistent! I guess I will fly by the seat of my pants this year. I have even been going back and forth on genre and if there is a moral or just a fun story. Yup, total pantser this time around.

I have found some great shares on the web. All kinds of sheets, and planners and all that good stuff. One of the sites I liked a lot was No. 2 Pen. It’s got tons of writing advice. If you want some where to record bits of information as you go along, check out this page of Writing Freebies. I am looking forward to getting the blog post ideas via email!

My story on Watt Pad isn’t gaining a lot of traction yet. Of course, I am not on there a lot with all the other social media I use. If you want to read it, go here. While your there, Hit the star to vote for it or add a comment to let me know what you think. Constructive feedback is always appreciated.

I also have a ton of books to read during this time. I just got Stephen King’s On Writing in at my library. I think I will drop by to pick it up tomorrow. I also have books to read and review as a tour host for several virtual book tours. This should make writing 50k words an even more interesting experience!

We did get some good news yesterday. My fiancée will be starting work this weekend. It’s a Sunday to Thursday job. Hopefully I won’t end up with a job where I have to work every single weekend! But if I do, we will just roll with it 🙂

So..How about you guys? Are you ready for NaNo? Any good news to share? Tell me all about your NaNo preparations in the comments!


First try at Fiction

FictiontruthLieIt has been a long time since I attempted to write anything but a blog post! I got a wild hair and decided to get the fiction telling machine primed by writing a short story. It is very short, and still rough around the edges, but I published it to get some feedback. Hoping everyone is gentle but honest! It’s called The Splash That Ruined My Career.

I lost my job today. I was upset at first, but now I can see they just saved me a lot of aggravation trying to work a thirty-day notice. I still love the lady I sat with, but it was just getting to be too much dealing with all the inconsistencies. I do know I never want to work for an individual again. Too much bull crap and too little protection for me as a worker.

It’s gonna be hard til I get another job and then the first paycheck, but I have already put in 3 applications today. I have several on the list for tomorrow. If I put enough applications out, then I should get something pretty quick. Or at  least that’s what I am telling myself.

Well, that’s pretty much the end of my adventures so far this week LOL You can read my short story on Watt Pad. When You do, please leave me some feedback. Be honest but gentle.. my writer’s ego is on the line here LOL


Feeling like a writer


Still no progress on my NaNoWriMo ideas. Guess I will end up being a pantser. Which is scary in it’s own right..way beyond the scary of NaNo with a plan! But we still have a few more days. Something might come together LOL

My weekend was good until my “boss” calls trippin on something dumb. I will have a talk with her on Saturday when we can talk face to face. I do better at maintaining my cool when I am looking at the person I am talking to!

16 Love Letter Ideas Cover

Click the cover to see or purchase my e-book on Amazon

I haven’t really been online much until about an hour ago. I was clearing out email and checking out what was new on some of my author profiles. Oh. Meh. Gerd. I have a review. It’s on both GoodReads and Amazon! And the person actually BOUGHT my e-book. My first review and purchase from the same person. And it was a 5 star review with a great write-up that totally made me almost-crying-happy! Read the review here if you’d like. You can also get a sample of my e-book here. Just click the green read excerpt button under the book’s lack of image..I must fix that soon!

I am thinking I may re-do my Blogging on a Budget report and put it up on Amazon as well. It got some great things said about it when I was letting it go for signing up to an email list on an old blog. Wonder if I could get it done in the few days between now and Nano?

So that’s about all that’s news with me right now. Hopefully tomorrow I can say I am working on some writing related project LOL Thanks to all who have followed me lately. It makes me so happy to get the emails. I try to follow back, but I miss people sometimes. I’ll be going back through all that soon.

How about you? What’s news with you? Did you get some progress going on your NaNo WIP? Are you looking at something interesting to write about for another project? Let me know what you’re celebrating this week in the comments. And if you have an extra moment, share this using the buttons just above the comments area. Thanks!



Nothing Done..Except taking care of my real life

Hello, again, friend.

LOTRWriMoWell, today was a crazy day. I didn’t sleep too much last night…I am a worrier by nature. I ended up driving to the hospital, which is about 30 to 45 minutes away, on about 3 hours sleep. Boy was that fun!

Then we brought mom home to get some things she needed since TMack is going to be there at least tonight. Once she left to go back to the hospital, I slept like crazy. Til like 6 PM kind of crazy!

Once I woke up, I got started putting my posts together for my other blog. Over there I post about books that are recently or soon to be released. Thankfully it’s mostly copy and paste, then put in the pictures they sent. Pretty awesome way to blog.

Between putting the rest of my blogs together for the week and watching my favorite show I got Bupkis done on my novel. Not even transferring the names from my phone to my notebook.

And tomorrow looks to be another crazy day. Have to go get some of TMack’s information to take to the hospital to help them figure out what is going on with him so it can hopefully get cured. Also have to pick up our mail, go to the hospital, and who knows what all else. Fun times!

Looks like my NaNo Book is going to be on the shelf again tomorrow. 😦 I am hoping to get at least one or two things done despite the craziness of the day.

So, friend, have you gotten anything done for your NaNoWriMo Adventure? Tell me how far along you are in the comments. Give me something to try to catch up to! LOL Or just commiserate with me on all the things that are stopping us from doing this thing exactly the way we wish!

Have a great Wednesday.

PS Thanks to everyone who’s been sharing my writing here. I appreciate that so much!

Brainstorming again #NaNoWriMo

WriMoTypeWriterSo I disappeared for two days…well technically three as I am writing this after midnight on Tuesday. I told you I’d be blogging here on weekdays.

Today has been wacky (I’m still on Monday) . Then one of the people I share an abode with ended up in the Emergency Room then being admitted for at least the night. (So I have an early morning probably in about 5 hours…6 if I am super lucky). He (from here on out called TMack) should be fine if it is only pneumonia. I will see soon.

I suppose you could be wondering why I am not blogging on the weekends. Well, I work from 7 AM on Saturday morning until 7 AM on Monday morning. Yup…48 hours straight. I do get to sleep twice in that time. I am a private caregiver for an older lady. She’s lucky enough to be mostly able to care for herself which makes my job easier than it should be. I love my job, but let’s get back to the main topic!

I actually got a good deal done on planning for my blog considering I was at work.

I got about 20 new name possibilities. I figure I better plan a bunch of names since it will take more than two characters to drive a good novel.

I also colored my map in, so I can tell better at a glance who lives where and so forth. I need city names though…I’m kind of stuck there. Any suggestions? (Use the comments below or the form on my contact page)

I found a possible main plot and one maybe side plot. I kind of like them but they need tweaking or something.

I also outlined some of the systems in the world my story will be set in. I did the measurement of time mostly. I also have the system for measuring length planned out but the unit needs to be named.

I pinpointed my point of view as well. I think I am going to take a sort of god like being telling the story from their abilities to see and know and hear everything.

I think part of the back story of the world will include the master race all the others are descended from. The different races will have come about by something resembling evolution. Just because I am a bit of a science junkie, there will be a bit of science in there. Might be twisted a bit–or a good deal–but it will likely be recognizable

Yup.. I did all of that in a few hours on Saturday.

Today (Monday) I only got a few names that I need to transfer from my phone to my planning notebook. That’s part of my goals for tomorrow.

Over to you

How is your planning going? What parts did you do first? Characters? Plot? World building? Share your progress in planning so far–leave a comment and let’s talk about our shared adventure!

I must have lost my mind


NaNoWriMo 2013I have often thought about writing a book. I’ve even written some short reports. I’ve never even dabbled with fiction!

So I go and decide to join NaNoWriMo. What the What?!?!? If you don’t know, NaNoWriMo is a challenge every November where people get together-both virtually and in real life- to write at least 50 thousands words in 30 days. You are supposed to start from scratch, it is supposed to be fiction. You can research and plan all you want. As long as you don’t write out your story. Outlines, synopsis…all good. Finishing last years WriMo Book… not so good.

Actually, that’s not true. You can decide to rebel. You can break all the rules. You decide if you should confirm your word count to “win” WriMo.

Lots of people can win WriMo. You win by completing your goal of at least 50 thousand words written during the month of November.

The great thing so far is all the resources. Forums for support. Forums with plot and character stuff you can adopt. Even a free eBook or two.

So, why am I doing another blog? (I have one main blog that has turned into a book promotion site, and tons of other domains that need work!)

I want to be accountable. Even if it’s just to myself. But I’m hoping YOU will drop by regularly to see where I am and how it is going.

Every weekday (and maybe some weekends) I will post an update on what I’ve done that day. From now until November 1, it will be my planning stuff. Maybe some tips I’ve seen around the web all brought together to be a resource for us all. Maybe a rant about how I am the worst procrastinator ever (True Story!).

What I’ve done today

I downloaded some of the writing planning stuff WriMo suggests. I learned Scrivener, and a time line software.

First draft of Jennifer Jinright's map for her NaNoWriMo Story

First draft of my world map. Needs color!

I read some tips posts. I acted on one by making a map of my world. It still needs some names but it’s mostly finished.

I’ve read forums. I adopted a few things. Asked for a mentor. Joined a Facebook and Google + support group.

I generated a few character names. I’ve decided the number of races. Yes, there are humans. Though they may have a different name.

I’ve put off doing anything about getting ready for work. But that doesn’t matter much. It’s not like there is a lot to do!

I think I am taking my computer to work with me, so when I have down time, I can plan and work on my story idea. When I get one.

Yup. I have NO CLUE what my plot will be. Ha!!



How About You?

Are you joining in the madness next month? Had You heard about NaNoWriMo before reading this? Let me know in the comments at the end!

Also, if your a WriMo too, you can friend me up here if you’d like. I friend back 😉


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