Sun and Moon Collide Dream Cast and Some Videos to Help Us Stay Motivated


Good evening. Hope your day has gone well. If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo, or NaNoFiWriMo I hope you got your post or word count done with ease.

Me, writing today has been easier than the past few days. Until I got to the end of a scene and I am tired of writing this scene type. The FMC just found out she’s a were-cat and is being introduced to her new reality. She’s had a few things told to her, but there’s so much more she has to learn.

I can’t decide if I am going to skip the rest of this to get the story moving, or what. I am just dreading writing the rest of the lore of these shifters. I know most of it already but getting it into words just isn’t appealing at the moment. I guess that’s the not so fun part about writing a novel. I’ll suck it up shortly or tomorrow. What do you do when you get to a scene you just don’t want to write yet?

I did spend sometime getting a dream cast done for my characters. For those who may not know, a dream cast is where an author or reader picks famous people they want to play each major role in the novel. Take a look and tell me what you think:

Sun And Moon Colide Dream Cast

Is there any one you don’t recognize? There is one who isn’t an actor, but he is a celebrity. It’s an old photo of him, but it worked for his character!

Now, I have five videos for you procrastinating pleasure. Hope you enjoy. Don’t forget to let me know what you think about my Sun and Moon Collide excerpt by voting in the poll or commenting on that post!


Writing slump leading to sharing a bit of my writing



Hello…Yet again I have neglected my writing. If I want to have half a chance of winning NaNoWriMo, I will have to avoid the shiny pretties and start actually writing. I’ve got the ass in chair part down pat! Now I will need to ignore all the distractions somehow. I’ll work on that tomorrow.

After getting up at 5 AM to feed the man before he goes to work. YES! He finally starts his job tomorrow. Happy in some ways, not so much in others. At least I might get a few more minutes of writing in, since he does tend to not notice I have my headphones on signaling I am either writing with my music OR listening to video/webinar type stuff.

I’m going to share some NaNo themed videos I found tomorrow. Maybe pretty early, so I have NO EXCUSE not to write in the novel. Or pretty late, after the family and I have dinner. But hopefully not this late…so  I can try to sneak in a little writing time after dinner.

So…I sort of alluded to sharing some more of my writing. I’d love some feed back, but please keep in mind this is a VERY rough draft. There may be instances of the word elephant that do not make any sense. It’s a place holder for a detail I haven’t decided on. You can weigh in if you have an idea to fill in that detail..the comments are your place to tell me what you think of my rough draft.

This is a scene with a fight in it. I will admit the fight needs some detail. All of my rough draft is detail deprived. The female is my MC, who is also partnered with Roan for investigations. They both work for a local detective agency. Roan has just helped Jacie by loading his truck up with furniture she needs to get to her house.

Sun and Moon (working title) sneak peek

Roan and I get everything on his truck and in the mustang. As we head to my place, I think about how long we’ve had each other’s back.

I started at the agency when I got sick of dealing with the sexism on the local state police force. It’s not push over strong, but it’s ten times as hard to get ahead if you don’t have three legs.

I answered the ad, knowing I was over qualified. Larry called me two days later, and the rest was history. One phone interview and I was hired, sight unseen.

When I showed up at my job the first day, imagine my horror at being place with yet another sexist pig as my partner. As the new face on the block, I had to suck it up and try to do the best in a bad situation.

On our first case, I saved Roan’s life. Literally.

We had been looking into a suspicious death that had been ruled as an accident by the medical examiner’s office. The wife thought it was too quick and too clean of a ruling. So she hired us.

With Larry’s contacts inside the local force, we can usually get the case files on just about any closed case. Even on some of the open ones, when the official detectives are stumped.

This one did look cut and dried, but Roan and I pushed forward anyway. We checked the car itself, and found nothing suspicious. We were even able to get a second opinion from the states ME when I pulled a couple of favors in. Nothing was adding up, but neither was it pointing to possible murder.

The break-lines had no fluid but there were no holes, cuts or tears in the lines. The man had been alive when his car careened off into the local lake. There was water in his lungs to prove it.

As a last ditch effort, we asked if the original ME had any blood or tissue samples that could be tested for drugs. We got very lucky. He did have some samples that I sent off to the state lab for a full tox screen. And it came back with pay dirt.

The husband had a non-lethal but sleep inducing level of elephant in his system. He was asleep when the car went into the water. With the amount of elephant he had in him, there is no way he could have walked to his own car, much less driven the five miles to where his car left the road.

This forced the local PD to re-open the case, but we kept at our investigation as well. When tracing possible sources of the elephant, we found two likely suspects. We questioned them both in their homes. We were hoping that one would come out with something incriminating. Neither did, so we kept digging.

We finally decided to head to our respective homes after midnight about a week after the interviews with our suspects. As we left the building, I could smell cheep cologne that I knew I had smelled before. I couldn’t exactly place it, but it had me on high alert as Roan and I went to our cars.

As Roan approached the door to his car, I saw a shadow about two feet a away. When it moved, I raised my weapon and cautioned the person to stop. Of course, the idiot didn’t stop at all and I had to shoot.

Lucky for the suspect, I’m a dead shot. I hit his left leg high on the thigh, which brought him down. Roan got him in cuffs and we got LBRPD on scene to arrest him for real. The arresting officers found a syringe filled with elephant. Enough to knock Roan out.

After that, Roan has pretty much treated me as one of the guys. And that works for me. He has my back and I have his, both on and off the job. What more could one want from their partner?

So what do you think? Use the poll to leave anonymous feedback. Or use the comments to give me specific feed back. You can even hit my contact page and send it to me in an email. What you think matters to me! Please let me know if it needs something more than detail (like that’s a little thing *rolls eyes at self*). Thanks so much for reading.



First try at Fiction

FictiontruthLieIt has been a long time since I attempted to write anything but a blog post! I got a wild hair and decided to get the fiction telling machine primed by writing a short story. It is very short, and still rough around the edges, but I published it to get some feedback. Hoping everyone is gentle but honest! It’s called The Splash That Ruined My Career.

I lost my job today. I was upset at first, but now I can see they just saved me a lot of aggravation trying to work a thirty-day notice. I still love the lady I sat with, but it was just getting to be too much dealing with all the inconsistencies. I do know I never want to work for an individual again. Too much bull crap and too little protection for me as a worker.

It’s gonna be hard til I get another job and then the first paycheck, but I have already put in 3 applications today. I have several on the list for tomorrow. If I put enough applications out, then I should get something pretty quick. Or at  least that’s what I am telling myself.

Well, that’s pretty much the end of my adventures so far this week LOL You can read my short story on Watt Pad. When You do, please leave me some feedback. Be honest but gentle.. my writer’s ego is on the line here LOL


On Being Published and Helping out

Sunset in Virginia

Sunset picture taken outside my house in Virginia

It’s been an interesting day. I think my honey and I made some progress, after I got so upset I told him I couldn’t do this any more. Then I decided he deserves more from me. I tend to run away as soon as I don’t get my way. One more real try…from both of us. Let’s see how this go.

Then, Mom’s friend came home today. He is on continuous oxygen until next week at the latest. So, now I have to smoke outside. My honey says he is gonna quit since it is so cold outside here already (lows going as far down as 20F and highs not getting much out of the 60s). I hope he does. I just am not ready to give up my crutch just yet.

Then I found I have my same e-book I was talking about finally get a review on published on two new platforms and submitted or ready to be submitted to two more. That will be a total of 5 platforms including print! This girl is cautiously excited.

Book Stuff

16 Love Letter Ideas Cover

Cover for 16 Love Letter Ideas

I was able to get my book distributed easy on this cool site I found. They do the formatting and submitting for free. The catch is they take about 10% of the profits, depending on your price. They don’t do covers or promotion.

For me, that’s okay. Getting everything into the right format was the headache I was dreading once I get some fiction written. Now I just have to write it up in word, upload it and let Draft2Digital distribute my manuscript to other sites. CreateSpace is in beta but I figured it was worth a try. (Which means once it is available, I will have some give aways for print copies, probably signed ones!)

You can see my book on:

iTunes Store
B&N Nook

Helping Out NaNoWriMo

2013-Participant-Square-ButtonI also want to give back to help keep NaNo free and full of fun swag for donating. Since I am pretty tight on money all the time, I started a fund-raising campaign on Stay Classy.

My goal is $250 US. I have had one donation in a small amount. But that’s great. Every dollar counts and it all goes to the foundation who sponsors all things NaNoWriMo! If you are feeling so inclined, you can give to my campaign at the link below:

Getting so far behind

The sad news I figured out today is that I am going to have to withdraw from all the blog reviews I have scheduled. I just don’t have as much time to read as I thought I would have. I will send out my emails tomorrow. I am so sad about this. I love reading books and sharing them with others.

The good thing is that I should be able to keep up the other types of book posts. They don’t do as well, but then again my self-hosted blog doesn’t do so well traffic wise. Something I will be working on once I get my life back into something resembling order.

How about you?

Any good news today? Would you be kind enough to share it with us? I know I can use some more good news. My smile isn’t quite as bright as I’d like…

If you have something you just need to let out, go on and share that too. I like helping people when I can, even if I can only offer an ear to listen.

Thanks for stopping by today. If you have an extra moment, please be kind enough to share using the buttons below.



Feeling like a writer


Still no progress on my NaNoWriMo ideas. Guess I will end up being a pantser. Which is scary in it’s own right..way beyond the scary of NaNo with a plan! But we still have a few more days. Something might come together LOL

My weekend was good until my “boss” calls trippin on something dumb. I will have a talk with her on Saturday when we can talk face to face. I do better at maintaining my cool when I am looking at the person I am talking to!

16 Love Letter Ideas Cover

Click the cover to see or purchase my e-book on Amazon

I haven’t really been online much until about an hour ago. I was clearing out email and checking out what was new on some of my author profiles. Oh. Meh. Gerd. I have a review. It’s on both GoodReads and Amazon! And the person actually BOUGHT my e-book. My first review and purchase from the same person. And it was a 5 star review with a great write-up that totally made me almost-crying-happy! Read the review here if you’d like. You can also get a sample of my e-book here. Just click the green read excerpt button under the book’s lack of image..I must fix that soon!

I am thinking I may re-do my Blogging on a Budget report and put it up on Amazon as well. It got some great things said about it when I was letting it go for signing up to an email list on an old blog. Wonder if I could get it done in the few days between now and Nano?

So that’s about all that’s news with me right now. Hopefully tomorrow I can say I am working on some writing related project LOL Thanks to all who have followed me lately. It makes me so happy to get the emails. I try to follow back, but I miss people sometimes. I’ll be going back through all that soon.

How about you? What’s news with you? Did you get some progress going on your NaNo WIP? Are you looking at something interesting to write about for another project? Let me know what you’re celebrating this week in the comments. And if you have an extra moment, share this using the buttons just above the comments area. Thanks!



Good Stuff Happens

No..I didn’t do anything else for my NaNo WIP. Been feeling a touch under the weather and exhausted! Driving an hour each day and spending time in the hospital with a sick family member can really take it out of you!


I did get approved as a Goodreads Author today. I have an e-book on Amazon. It’s a small thing, nothing too special. It has ideas for writing love letters. It’s something I did several years ago, and gave away for free. It’s now $0.99, but I’ve only had people get free copies when I was able to set it up as free for 5 days.

If you’d like to check it out, you can go here. If you would like to read it, I can send you a copy in your favorite e-reader format (.mobi, ePub, PDF) if you will be kind enough to leave a review on Amazon and/or GoodReads.

If you’re review will be less than 3 stars, please contact me in advance. I’d like a chance to prepare myself! LOL I do appreciate constructive criticism, and honest opinions.

Also, tomorrow begins my 48 hour work sprint. I do this every weekend, so don’t be surprised when I don’t add anything until Monday. Hopefully I will have time to get something done between now and then. It would be nice to have something to report on other than my “fascinating days.” *end sarcasm*

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you find or have found any great resources for NaNo, leave them in the comments. I will probably do a round-up one day next week!