Sun and Moon Collide Dream Cast and Some Videos to Help Us Stay Motivated


Good evening. Hope your day has gone well. If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo, or NaNoFiWriMo I hope you got your post or word count done with ease.

Me, writing today has been easier than the past few days. Until I got to the end of a scene and I am tired of writing this scene type. The FMC just found out she’s a were-cat and is being introduced to her new reality. She’s had a few things told to her, but there’s so much more she has to learn.

I can’t decide if I am going to skip the rest of this to get the story moving, or what. I am just dreading writing the rest of the lore of these shifters. I know most of it already but getting it into words just isn’t appealing at the moment. I guess that’s the not so fun part about writing a novel. I’ll suck it up shortly or tomorrow. What do you do when you get to a scene you just don’t want to write yet?

I did spend sometime getting a dream cast done for my characters. For those who may not know, a dream cast is where an author or reader picks famous people they want to play each major role in the novel. Take a look and tell me what you think:

Sun And Moon Colide Dream Cast

Is there any one you don’t recognize? There is one who isn’t an actor, but he is a celebrity. It’s an old photo of him, but it worked for his character!

Now, I have five videos for you procrastinating pleasure. Hope you enjoy. Don’t forget to let me know what you think about my Sun and Moon Collide excerpt by voting in the poll or commenting on that post!


Feeling like a writer


Still no progress on my NaNoWriMo ideas. Guess I will end up being a pantser. Which is scary in it’s own right..way beyond the scary of NaNo with a plan! But we still have a few more days. Something might come together LOL

My weekend was good until my “boss” calls trippin on something dumb. I will have a talk with her on Saturday when we can talk face to face. I do better at maintaining my cool when I am looking at the person I am talking to!

16 Love Letter Ideas Cover

Click the cover to see or purchase my e-book on Amazon

I haven’t really been online much until about an hour ago. I was clearing out email and checking out what was new on some of my author profiles. Oh. Meh. Gerd. I have a review. It’s on both GoodReads and Amazon! And the person actually BOUGHT my e-book. My first review and purchase from the same person. And it was a 5 star review with a great write-up that totally made me almost-crying-happy! Read the review here if you’d like. You can also get a sample of my e-book here. Just click the green read excerpt button under the book’s lack of image..I must fix that soon!

I am thinking I may re-do my Blogging on a Budget report and put it up on Amazon as well. It got some great things said about it when I was letting it go for signing up to an email list on an old blog. Wonder if I could get it done in the few days between now and Nano?

So that’s about all that’s news with me right now. Hopefully tomorrow I can say I am working on some writing related project LOL Thanks to all who have followed me lately. It makes me so happy to get the emails. I try to follow back, but I miss people sometimes. I’ll be going back through all that soon.

How about you? What’s news with you? Did you get some progress going on your NaNo WIP? Are you looking at something interesting to write about for another project? Let me know what you’re celebrating this week in the comments. And if you have an extra moment, share this using the buttons just above the comments area. Thanks!

