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Fractured Legacy By Skye Callahan

Fractured Legacy (Darkness Bound, #1)Fractured Legacy by Skye Callahan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a wonderful read and I am blessed to have gotten an Advanced Review Copy of the e-book.

Skye Callahan has an amazing ability to keep me wanting to read more. I found as I got to the end of each chapter, I felt like I just HAD to know what happened next. I read this in a single day, over several sittings. While at work.

As for the book, it gets right into the story by quickly introducing us to two of the major players, Kaylyn and her sister Cole. They work for a unique investigative agency that is well known in their town, even if most do not know what exactly it is they do.

I identified quickly with Kaylyn, as she and I share the trait of hating to leave the bed. Especially in the early morning. Like….before noon! She is also very blunt at times, and can curse quite eloquently when the situation demands. (There is too much language in this book)

The book takes an interesting spin on the paranormal. This installment in the series has a spooky component that is just strong enough to keep you reading. It could have been scarier, but this is Ms. Callahan’s first published novel. I look forward to reading the next installment in the series to see how she grows in her writing.

Over all, I would recommend this book to any paranormal fan. The characters are well written and compelling, as is the story.

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